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Showing posts from 2014

Perpanjang ITAS (Spouse/Dependant visa) Via Online

Terasa seperti ini, Gunung Baturnya ada tapi nggak keliatan. Sistemnya ada, tapi masih berkabut. Katanya sih berlaku sejak tanggal 17 Desember 2024, bersamaan dengan semua perubahan seperti paspor dan biayanya.  Karena harus perpanjang ITAS di akhir tahun, gw sudah kontak mereka dan bilang "Oh bisa extend via website." Di websitenya agak membingungkan buat pemula karena ada beberapa bagian. Bagian yang paling mentereng adalah bagian APPLY , yang mana ini harus digunakan untuk orang yang belum pernah apply ITAS . Sejenis untuk mendapatkan TELEX visa dulu yang nantinya dikonversi ke ITAS.  Perlu dicatat ini adalah ITAS dengan pasangan Indonesia sebagai sponsor ya. Tentunya perlu penjamin yang apply VITAS dll sebelum ke ITAS. Apply sebagai penjamin bisa di website yang sama. Tapi kalau apply sendiri bisa dengan menggunakan "Personal". Setelah masuk ke website imigrasi dengan menggunakan ID Penjamin, bagian HOME akan tampil beberapa hal. Nah, bagian Extend ITAS tuh a...

Miss you papi

Next January 6th will be 8 years you leave us. Today, tonight, suddenly I miss you. I miss you so much. 8 years already. 8 years already I cant see your face, cant hear your voice, and cant do many things with you. God, let him visit me on dream tonight. I really miss him. I just wanna see his face. It's ok I cant hear his voice, I just wanna see his face. Not much. Would you like to let him visit me??

Indigo Children

"A young boy said that he comes from 2035. He said he is an indigo boy. He comes from 2035 to warn Indonesian because there will be a big disaster happen in early 2015. Also he want to take an indigo children and bring him/her to 2035. He came here with time machine". That news become hot news since few days ago. So.. Indigo is a color that is traditionally regarded as a color on the visible spectrum , as well as one of the seven colors of the rainbow : the color between blue and violet. We know there are lots of indigo children. Indonesia have so much indigo children. They could see the color which normal people cant see that. Also they can absorb the negative and positive energy around them. It often flare up on their body, that negative and positive energy. It just like there are another person fight inside their body. The affect? Make them feel weak and down, need more time to recover their self. So indigo children are so special. They also can see future or past. How...

Jalur Khusus Pejalan Kaki

Tau trotoar?? Pasti tau lah ya. Jadi trotoar itu sebenarnya adalah jalur khusus pejalan kaki yang sekarang banyak beralih fungsi menjadi tempat berjualan pedagang kaki lima atau jalan dadakan bagi pengendara motor yang merasa dirinya sedang buru-buru dan perlu menggunakan hak pejalan kaki tersebut. Saya adalah salah satu orang yang sering berjalan kaki. Kalau memang lokasi yang saya tuju tersebut tidak jauh dari tempat tinggal saya, maka saya lebih memilih untuk berjalan kaki. Berjalan kaki di Indonesia dilakukan jika sedang ingin berolahraga. Beberapa adik kos sangat suka menggunakan motor padahal jarak dari kos-kampus tidak sampai satu kilometer.  Sedangkan diluar negeri dilakukan karena merupakan lifestyle mereka. Bedanya, disana fasilitas sangat tercukupi dan aman bagi pejalan kaki.   Malas. Itulah sifat banyak orang Indonesia. Hmmm Check my article on kompasiana Yukk jalan kaki untuk Indonesia sehat Saya tinggal di kota Malang. Sedangkan saya asli dari Kabupaten ...

With Heart

Irene ; Nadya ; Elsha ; Milda ; Ariaga ; Prisca Pasaribu ; Sylvie, Anita, Hendy ; Tyas, Samuel ; Dian Nikolas Alissa (AADC) ; Rasma ; Diva ; Pak Budi ; Mereka adalah beberapa dari siswa Mayantara School yang berada dibawah asuhanku *bahasa gueh*. Kebanyakan mereka memang belajar Bahasa Korea. Kepada mereka, aku menyalurkan banyak ilmu. dan dari mereka pula aku belajar dan mendapat banyak ilmu baru. Mengajar, benar-benar bukan keinginanku. Tapi mengajarkan hal baru yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain merupakan satu kepuasan tersendiri. Stress kah ketika mengajar mereka?? Hmm mungkin stres hanya sekitar 5%, sisanya seneng. Kok bisa seneng?? karena menghadapi berbagai macam orang dengan macam-macam karakteristik. Sangat menyenangkan sekali bekerja berhadapan dengan makhluk hidup. Sepertinya tipe-tipe pekerjaan yang cocok buatku adalah bekerja dengan manusia, bukan dengan mesin atau benda. I get salary not as much as officer or CEO or HRD in a big company. I know, but that salary is enoug...

Tipikal Suami

Sebenernya kalo dibilang pengen suami yang ganteeeng banget ya gak juga sih. Mending juga yang manis ga ngebosenin hehehe. Bukan ini maksudnya *salah fokus*. Ok.. tipikal suami yang pas buat aku nih ya, dia harus 'lelaki' banget. Means... jangan setengah-setengah. jadi kalo lelaki ya kudu jantan dong. Trus seiman. Itu harus. Percuma ganteng kalo gak seiman, kalo ga bisa bimbing istrinya. Aku hanya seorang wanita yang butuh bimbingan suami di jalan Allah. Pengetahuan agamaku lemah, aku perlu seseorang yang bisa membimbingku dijalan yang benar. Karena aku tipikal seorang yang 'stubborn', aku sangat keras kepala dan sulit diatur. Aku tidak suka diperintah. Sebenarnya aku takut kalau-kalau aku 'ngelamak' ke suami. Makanya itu, harus ada orang yang bener-bener bisa buat aku nurut. Bisa membuat aku menuruti perintahnya tanpa dia merasa menyuruh dan tanpa aku merasa diperintah. Ikhlas. Tanggung jawab dan mandiri. Itulah lelaki. Laki itu harus mandiri dan tanggung...

How to write

Ok I wanna write about what my sister asked me few weeks ago. “How can you write?” Hmmm... I told her, “You can write everything from now. You dont have to write about difficult things or too important things. You can start writing from simple thing in your life. And just write using your own style. If you are simple, just be simple” Then she asked again, “What should I write?” For beginner I think you can just write what happen to you recently. Like writing a diary or your short term plans. It will be easier to write right? I was like that too. I start writing maybe when in middle high school. I didnt realize that since that time I like to write. I start write my short term plans. About which high school I want, about my simple wishes, about what had happen to me, and things. Yes of course, for the first time it was not good at all. Really amateur writings. No problem. Day by day you will find your interest in writings. I mean, you will find you...


"Treat hijab as a protection for yourself. Look at the good things that you will gain when you wear it. Yes it's simpler without it, but with it, is better right? It's not about being ready or not. It's about willingness to wear it. If you are willing, you will be consistent and you will continue to wear it all the way. Just don't give up :D and you are also representing the religion. So show others what islam really is. You can do it!" That was my friend said to me when I told him I wanna wear hijab consistently  

Sang legendaris, Valentino Rossi

Siapa ya tidak tahu Valentino Rossi?? Meskipun bukan penggemar Moto GP, tapi akuyakin banyak yang mengetahui Valentino Rossi meskipun tak mengetahui detailnya. Mamaku meskipun tidak begitu menyukai balapan Moto GP, tapi mama tahu tentang Rossi. Apalagi aku yang penggemar Moto GP sejak SMP sampai sekarang. Rossi sang legendaris, itulah yang biasa kusebut jika berhubungan dengan dirinya. Meskipun aku bukan big fans dari Rossi, tapi aku menaruh respect yang dalam kepadanya. Aku sempat menjadi saksi saat Rossi berkali-berkali menjadi juara dunia, saat itu masih kecil. Rossi masih berlangganan menjadi juara dunia. Rossi saat itupun masih muda, masih memiliki kekuatan jiwa muda. sangat mudah baginya untuk menjadi nomer satu kala itu. Sekarang, Rossi sudah semakin berumur. Mempunyai banyak pesaing baru setiap waktunya, tapi hal itu tidak menurunkan semangatnya dan tidak mengurangi kharismanya.  Saat ini, pembalap yang sedang naik daun dengan keberaniannya di race moto GP yang juga...

Kecintaan sedari dulu

Well... let me tell you about one of my best here. His name is Sunan Andriono. I call him Emon, why? Because he love to see Doraemon since I knew him. I met him in middle high school, 7th grade. We were classmates. He said hi to me first, then we become friend since then. At that time, Siti Nurhaliza (Malay singer) was very famous. I like her too, but not a big fans. But Emon, he really loves Siti. He collected all things about Siti Nurhaliza. Album, Photo, and many things. I was so surprised at that time, and thought "Wow... there is a boy, little boy who admire Siti so much. Wow.. big fans of her". and thought that I don't think there is a little boy admire Siti so much. after Milla wedding In the middle high school, we always went home together. Four of us (with Geby and Milla). Milla also collect some pics of Siti too, so when Milla and Emon talking they just talk about Siti, mostly. Next grade I wasn't their classmate anymore. But Milla and Emon...

Mami, papi, mbahku

How are you papi? I miss you today :) I miss your smile. I miss everything on you. If only you still here, what kind of face I will see if you see me come home every weekend and spend time at home with you. I think I will see your happy face :D I just miss you.. Mbah, apa kabar? Been awhile I havent seen grandmother there. But I think she is fine. After you left her, her health condition become worse. She even oneday forget everything. But we try to comfort her. I know, she must be really miss you grandpa. The one who always with her for many years. I only have grandmothers. Mami and mbah putri. Both of my grandfathers passed away. After their husband left them, they become so worse. I mean their health condition. They said, "I lose half of my life". Yes.. I've wrote about that earlier. They already married for many years. Raising 3 kids and 8 kids with their own hands. Never complaint, try to educate their kids to be a good and great kids. Yes they are my grandmother...

Reminisce with Sheila on 7

Hey you!!! Are you 90's generation?? Lets recall this! For you Indonesian who was born on 90's must know this band. SHEILA ON 7!!!! yep! you knew it right?? It was so famous at that time It is one of my favorite one since I was kid. Ask them who was born on 90's, "do you remember about SO7?" they wont answer it, they will just singing SO7 songs rather than answer my question hahaha Duta and Eros. The singer and the motor of sheila on 7. great musicians. It doesn't mean that other members not good, they all great Duta, Eros, Adam, Sakti, Anton was the former SO7. Anton and Sakti out, then Brian come to substitute them. It doesn't mater, they still have a great masterpiece. Shepia, Pejantan tangguh, Melompat lebih tinggi, Dan, Kisah Klasik, and many more....    always, remind me about past time Last thursday I get to see them in front of my eyes. Oh God.... Duta who was so so so thin when he were young become more handsome that day. ...

The differences of Idul Adha between Indonesian and other countries

Selamat hari raya Idul Adha :) So... as a muslim, I have 2 holy days in a year (not only these two but this is the biggest). It is Idul Fitri and Idul Adha (both in Indonesian words).  Idul Fitri means the final day of fasting month, after fasting for 29-30 days. for Indonesian, we always celebrate it so happily. Always visit family, eat with them, everything we do. And here we have about 1-2weeks off to celebrate it. It is so different with Idul Adha. When Idul Adha comes, we have only a day or two days off. not as much as Idul Fitri. and to celebrate it, I am not visit my family.  It just we sacrifice sheep, cow, or camel, or another, then share it with people. Feast. It is not as special as Idul Fitri for us. but still special because our religious time. So... let see the differences between others. In Mohammad prophet era, Idul Adha is more special than Idul Fitri (some said like that), and it is right for other countries but Indonesia. I ask friends from Egypt, Alge...

About time...

I moved here maybe almost 13 years. That day, I was 10 years old. Still in elementary school. I have lots friends on same age and some of them are my sister's friends (our age difference is 7 years). We grew up together. Growing up and I just realize now, when I graduated from uni, we all really grown up. Time for me to work, or continue studying, also they are already 17 years old. Time for them to get any license like driving license, residence card, or else. They already has their own rights to choose what they want to do in live. I think we are balance, lots boys and girls. Time for girls to feel "Lady wanna be", I mean on their age (around 17) they want to know how about having a boyfriend, how to put on make up on face, how is fall in love, or maybe how about kiss, and many things. Sometimes, some of them forget the point of studying at school. They just think about their romance or love or something like that rather than their achievement. Well.... that always ha...


Kau tahu kawan kepanjangan dari Berdikari?? Aku rasa, kebanyakan dari kita pasti tau itu kan??!! Yah, BERDIKARI adalah berdiri di kaki sendiri. Artinya??? Mandiri, tangguh, tidak bergantung pada orang lain. Itu yang sejak dulu di gaung-gaungkan kepada kita. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yg berkembang. Kita emang sih belum menjadi negara maju seperti Eropa atau Amerika atau negara manapun lah itu. Tapi jika sedikit ditelisik nih ya, kita merdeka adalah hasil perjuangan atau hasil pemberian?! Pasti kita dengan kepala tegak akan mengatakan "Perjuangan sendiri, kerja keras kami selama ratusan tahun". Iya! Benar. Kita merdeka atas keringat dan darah seluruh warga negara. Kita berdiri di tanah merdeka ini dengan kerja keras. Patut bangga? Patut!!! Karena merdeka dengan hasil sendiri, tidak ada negara lain yg menopang hidup kita. Kita berdiri, berjalan, dan berlari atas kemauan kita sendiri. Akibatnya apa? Akibatnya tidak akan ada negara lain yg mengurus kepentingan intern...


Naturally tanned! what? My skin... yes it's naturally tanned hahaha mostly people here are trying to make their skin become white. I don't know why. They just say "I will look more beautiful/handsome if my skin color is white". and they started to use many whitening creams all day all night. I use some cream, but not whitening. So, yeah you know, Indonesia is a tropical country which most people here are naturally tanned, right??? some people are not, it just because they have not much pigment like me haha... *why I laugh lots here* when I was kid, I want have a white skin *be honest*. then time goes and I found out that I look more sexy with my tanned skin *hmm yes yes?? yes :D *. then yeah I realize that I look good with tanned skin, and some white skin said they want and love tanned skin. look exotic hahaha... *I really wanna laugh at myself* Ok enough for now. I should not write like this. just wanna keep my blog stay update even with ridiculous writings hah...

I don't have a phone

Few times ago I've wrote about smartphone and our life. why? because I think people need a phone in life, also smartphone makes some parts of life become easier right? But I have a student, he is older than me, and he don't have a phone. My reaction was, "WHAT?? you don't have a phone? even an old phone?? REALLY??".  When I ask him why, he just said "I just dont like it". Just yeah you know, people start to use a smartphone these day, but he isn't. It's hard to contact him even just for give him information about study. Ahh... really But yesterday, I found another one who doesn't have a phone too. He said "There are  a lot of disadvantages rather than advantages for having a phone. You have no privacy, intimacy. You are available 24/7 for everyone, and that thing can exploid (not literally) at any moment so you have the stress of knowing that any moment someone can contact you. It also is a surveillance tool that telecommunication...

Prambanan temple

Here just want to upload some pics :) Or maybe I already upload all of this but forget about that... Oghhh thats trully me....

Dirgahayu Indonesiaku

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia ke 69. Indonesia sudah merdeka selama 69 tahun. Kalau ini manusia, udah waktunya punya cucu atau bahkan cicit. Sudah benar-benar merdekakah kita selama ini? Sudah benar-benar menikmati kemerdekaan selama ini? Saya baru hidup selama 23 tahun, yang artinya Indonesia sudah merdeka selama 46 tahun sebelum saya lahir. Kebetulan saya lahir dibulan kemerdekaan juga, Agustus. Dan hal itu entah mengapa membuatku senang dan bangga memiliki bulan lahir sama seperti negaraku hehehe.... Aku cinta Indonesia. Kalau ada yang bertanya mengapa? Ini tanah air beta. Tempat lahir saya. Saya juga tumbuh dan berkembang disini. Banyak yang mengatakan, “Indonesia apa bagusnya? Banyak koruptor, kotor, masih banyak lah hal-hal dari sisi negatifnya”. Indonesia itu bagus kali.. sumpah deh. Yaaa kita tau masih banyak koruptor, tapi Negara udah mulai membasmi koruptor-koruptor kok. Pelan tapi pasti. Banyak hal negatif dari Negara kita? Hmmmm makanya itu sebagai generasi mud...

Your 74, papi

If only you were here now, I will be the first to say Happy Birthday to you. Unfortunately, God wants you to leave us forever. If you still with us, it could be your 74 right?? I still remember what we did together hehe.. Clearly remember. Always take to school and pick me up everyday to school. Always said that you will kick my friends if they make a mess with me. Sometimes you mad at me, I am ok with that because I was so young and bad hehe.. You always clean up your motor even it still clean and always in good condition. You love traditional music. You have lots cassete. I remember when you take me to school, and I kiss your hand, my teacher saw that and told me "Prisca, kalau kamu cium tangannya orang yg lebih tua, ciumnya harus bener bener dicium, jangan ditempel ke pipi saja", I did mistakes, and I kiss your hand sincerely from that time. Always worry about me, worry when I came home late even just 5min. Always wants me to be a doctor, but finally I become a mathemati...

Look like borobudur

When flight from Jakarta to Surabaya, I took a night flight. Flight maybe at 9 pm, was rain hard before flight, but luckily rain stops before take off. I remember, clearly, it was August 17th. Take off then I can see lots lights from above the sky hehe.. Look so beautiful, and look like some good combination of words. And one thing, there is a big big cloud, it look like borobudur temple. Really like a borobudur in the sky. Beautiful. I want to take a pic of it, but my phone low bat and cant activate phone on plane. So yeah... I just capture it with my eyes, and save it in my mind as one of good memories. Flight for an hour, then landing in surabaya then see my parents and home. When I see that borobudur above, I thank God. How great it look..

Writing, really my hobby

When I was child, I always said that one of my hobbies is writing. I don’t really get what does it mean actually. I just think that if I say my hobby is writing, it sounds so cool. Like an author, writer, or whatever. I don’t realize it, that writing is my hobby. I like to write. I like to write since I was maybe in high school. Just write something that I really want to write. Most of them are what I want to get, like a short term plan. Since I was in college and had my own Sammy (my laptop), it makes me regularly write. Write about something that I saw before, something that suddenly came up in my mind, about things. I write lots. Usually I write and just save it in Sammy. But since 2012 I write and publish in my own blog. I don’t care if no one read my articles. I just love to write. Mostly write about social things or something I’ve done before and just want to share in blog. I never write poems, because I don’t know how to make it and I don’t have good sense of it. So, ...


Apa yang terlintas dipikiran jika mendengar kata FrontSummer?? Ok, FrontSummer itu nama grup WA kelas kuliah GH09. Sebelumnya sih namanya bukan FrontSummer, tapi akhirnya jadi kesepakatan FrontSummer karena tingkah laku kita yang yaaaa mencerminkan nama itu banget deh. Awalnya di tahun pertama kuliah kita masih yaa bisa dibilang masih berkelompok sih. Masih kurang bisa langsung akrab gitu lah satu sama lain. Tapi lama-lama, tahun demi tahun kita jadi lebih deket lah dari sebelumnya. Ga tau ya kenapa bisa jadi lumer gini, kita “aktif” banget di grup kelas ini. Nah nama sebelum FrontSummer itu banyak banget, ada yang “Calon penghuni surga”, ada juga “Sukses dunia akhirat”, ada lagi yang formal banget “Matematika UM 09” atau “Offering GH09”, dan banyak lagi lainnya, sering diganti-ganti tergantung mood dan trend saat itu. Dan kemudian salah satu member mengganti dengan nama FrontSummer. Alasannya,   kita frontal dan kita mesum jadilah frontsummer hahaha Jadi gini, kenalkan me...

Smartphone and our lives

Android based - Smartphone or tablet are familiar in our lives now. People still keep in touch although thousands miles away apart. Many kind of applications that can connect us with other people, such as Line, WhatsApp, Kakao Talk, and many more. I know those applications offered by smartphone make us feel easy to do many things with our smartphone. The first time when I got my smartphone, I said “Sophisticated”.  Yeah that’s right! Sophisticated. I can do many things with my smartphone, I have all my teaching materials in it, I can surfing easily and faster, I can talk to other people by free phone using application, I can share my pictures easily using Instagram (since I like photography), if come to new places I can’t get lost or deceived by taxi driver because I have my GPS hehe. One day I got problem with my smartphone, it can not be turned on and it makes me frustrated. Why? Because I have class and my all materials teaching in smartphone.Ohh,, really...

Prambanan #my point of view

Prambanan, who doesn't know this temple? Indonesian for sure know this temple. This Hindu's temple located in Jogjakarta. This was built thousand, maybe more, years ago. Long long long time ago. About 9th century. There is legend about that, people usualy said about Roro Jonggrang that ask thousands of temple to a man who love her but she doesn't. I dont know about that legend, and let it be a legend behind that amazing temple. What I want to say here, about that amazing temple. How come they can built that kind of amazing things? Those are stones. Stones. Very heavy stone. And also there are relief in candi's wall. It has own stories and it's different each others. So, I still can't imagine how great people at that time. Think about something, maybe people can build a house easily, but how to built candi using stones? Still can't imagine about that. They have something to tell from past. We can see how great that kingdom and people there. Hmmm... Maybe th...

UN menentukan nasib pelajar Indonesia

Sekali lagi, tulisan ini hanya mengungkapkan apa yg ada dipikiran, benak, emosi, dan semuanya lah soal UAN. Mungkin ada juga orang yg berpikiran sama seperti saya. Ini saya hanya mengungkapkan apa yg ingin saya ungkapkan saja. Bukan maksud lain. Kalau toh dijadikan bahan renungan bagi pihak yg bersangkutan ya ndak apa-apa sih. Ok, here is what I think about UAN UAN, ato banyak juga yg bilang UN, kemarin saya melihat tayangan acara Sudut Pandang-nya mbak Fifi Aleyda Yahya di Metro TV, judulnya UN = Ujian Nasib. Bener ndak? Menurut saya iya. Saya sempat mengikuti beberapa segmen saja, namun yg sangat saya ingat adalah seorang anak juara kelas tidak lulus dan mengikuti UN sampai 3 kali hingga lulus. Hal ini dikarenakan dia ingin mendapatkan hasil UN yg jujur. Kasus pertama. Kasus kedua, ada seorang anak yang baru saja mengikuti UN, dan mengirim surat ke menteri pendidikan. Surat yg dia tulis dishare melalui semua media masa yang ada. Hingga akhirnya dia diundang di acara Hitam Putih-ny...

Universitas Negeri Malang nama kampus gue, bukan yang lainnya

Kalo ditanya orang, “Kuliah dimana?”Jawab kita, “Kuliah di UM”,Trus mereka bilang, “Ohhhh Muhammadiyah Malang ya?”,Berjuta kali gue harus bilang, “BUKAN! Tapi IKIP Malang”dengan ekspresi datar, mereka mengatakan…..”Ohh… IKIP tho” Helloooo ekspresi macam apa itu yaa?? Bukan maksud menjelekkan kampus lain, hanya ingin sedikit membanggakan kampus gue yang negeri haahhaha… *buat yang baca, dan merasa kampusnya, jangan cemberut ya. That’s the fact, kalo kampus gue negeri dan kampus ente swasta. Masalah yang laen kagak ikut-ikut. Cuma statusnya aja, negeri ma swasta* Ada lagi nama kampus gue versi beda, “UNM”.nah looohh… apaan lagi nih. Orang nama  kampus gue UM bukan UNM. UNM mah punya Makasar. Lagi-lagi disamain ma nama kampus lain. Fiiiuuuhhh…. Nah, versi lain lagi, “UNEMA”.nahh… UNEMA, emntang-mentang Universitas Negeri Malang, disamaain kayak Universitas...

Articles with most viewers

I don't think that people viewed my articles some hehehhe.. I think I just write and I don't care it's viewed by people or not. Just love to write, maybe good if people write some articles with good content hehe   Ok, Mayantara School.  viewed 40 times, and this is where I work now. Sejenis agak promosi juga hehehe World Bagus Family. 42 times viewed. remember when I was in college and first time knew all about Korea   너 밖에 없잖아, 40 times viewed. All about my feeling hehehe   Kembang mayang, 37 times viewed. I don't know why this article has been viewed many times hehe   Dewi Rahayu, Fachrul Ulum, Shoffi Royanni, I know who viewing this article the most hahaha and Indonesia Jiwa Tanah Airku, Korea tambatan hatiku, 91 times viewed. why why why so many viewers here?? I don't know why. Just... good. apa mungkin mereka kena tipu ya gara-gara judulnya??? heheh   Mimpi kan membawaku Ke Korea, 137 times viewed. I know wh...

90's generations

I am 90’s generation. I was born in 1991, so I am 90’s generation. I still remember how was my childhood with friends. Was very happy at that time. Just play around, play and play. Not thinking about what happen tomorrow, not thinking about obligations to do, about jobs, about money, about everything, just play around with friends. Hmmm ....always happy. I still remember when I was child, I played something that always move our body, make us think strategies to play, always run, that always make us sweaty, means like we do some physical exercise every time we played. Then what we get? Health, fun, friends, happiness, unforgettable moments. We had lots of child’s songs. We have our own world that make us feel and just be a child at that time. With that kind of activities, it stimulate our growth when child. Child needs to move a lots, with that kind of play will make them grow up very well. Compare with kids now, what they play? They plays some video game, play statio...


What do you think when you see people with lots of tattoos?? Maybe some people will say "scary, bad, not good, rude" or whatever. I think most of people here will say like that. Some people still judge people by appearance. Do you want to know what I want to say?? I like tattoo. I like it. I like some tattoos in body. Even not lots, but just a little tattoo will look so cute hehe.. Maybe, if I can tattoo my body, I'll make it in hand, maybe Silver Estrella or what. Just little. But unfortunately I can't. This is only for me, my self. But if look at people with lots of tattoo, I always feel and wanna know "aren't you hurt tattoo your body like that?". Because I think that will be so hurt. *it just because I am afraid of that thing haha* Some people look scary with tattoo all body, yes. But not all. We just can't judge people by look at their appearance. Some people with lots tattoo in body are very nice, kind and lovable haha.. They do that because ...

Saat nyawa manusia seolah tak berharga

Pembunuhan. Pembunuhan manusia seolah menepuk nyamuk yang menggigit kita. Seolah nyawa manusia hanyalah sesuatu yang bisa dengan mudah dihilangkan. Motif pembunuhan biasanya bermula dari rasa sakit hati, atau kelainan jiwa yang menginginkan untuk membunuh manusia. Jika itu merupakan kelainan jiwa, mungkin masih bisa dinyatakan sebagai kondisi tak normal, namun jika motif sakit hati hmmmm akan sulit sekali. Sakit hati, bunuh. Hmmm... Setiap manusia memiliki hak hidup. Hak untuk hidup. Tapi jika orang lain menghilangkan hak tersebut, semudah itukah menghilangkan hak hidup? Tidakkah hidupnya akan tentram setelah menghilangkan nyawa tersebut? Hmmm semudah itu menghilangkan nyawa manusia, memutilasi manusia, apakah manusia yg melakukan hal tersebut masih bisa disebut manusia?? No, they aren't human. They just a killer. And should not be here. Yaah, memikirkan hal tersebut semakin membuat ngeri. Kejahatan makin menjadi akhir ini, dan kondisi kejiwaan manusia bisa saja mudah tak terken...

Dilarang memegang pantatku

While waiting time to class, I enjoy my time with Rama (the owner’s son). He was drawing some robots. We were talking lots and joking. But suddenly he sets up his butt in front of my eyes and that was impolite things to do. I told him that this is impolite and ask him not to do this anymore. When told him about that, I also touch his butt. But suddenly he shout out loud “Jangan pegang pantatku!”, or don’t touch my butt. And he told his mom that I touch him. I don’t know anything then his mom told me that she inform her son if people touch his butt or front side, he must tell them dont do that. If people do that, he must tell his mom. His mom do this because a lot of sexual crime out there. She just worried her son and try to protect him. Good advice. Ahhh that's why he tell his mom right after I touch his butt. I just laugh, and say sorry to him. Then I thought that he listen and do what his mom tell. And I was the first do that thing to him. Haha.. Sorry Rama. Hehehe

My Warm house

My house now is not a big house rather than the last house where I lived. The last house before I move here is so big big big house ever, was built on Dutch’s colonize. Yes, very big and located in front of main road. So crowded, so noisy, and always be target of accidents, don’t know why. But now, I live small house, maybe since 12years ago. Smaller than before, in quite place, not really far from main road, but not in front of it. So little bit quite here. Even not a big house and there are 6 people in house, it feel so warm here. Of course smaller house with much people will make it warmer, but not because of that. it is because love hehe… we are loving each other, that makes my house feel so warm. Yeah I know, I live in Pandaan which is very very hot (and not good for vampire hehe), but when stay inside house I feel so cool and stay warm always. Is that sounds strange? Stay cool and warm in same time? Not strange for me. Feel so comfortable here. Mom always take...

Ketika mereka ingin menjadi Indonesia

Menjaga Warga Negara Indonesia, terutama WNI yang baik, merupakan suatu kewajiban setiap warga Negara. Sudah merupakan kewajaran jika kita sebagai WNI menjaga Negara kita ini. Ini dari pandangan saya sebagai seorang WNI yang mencintai Indonesia, jujur saja Negara kita masih disebut Negara berkembang. Masih berbenah disetiap sudutnya, terutama soal korupsi. Ahh itu selalu saja membosankan dan menyebalkan jika bersentuhan dan berurusan dengan korupsi. Walaupun masih saja banyak yang membuang sampah sembarangan, masih saja tidak bisa antri dengan baik, masih saja terkadang “alay”, masih saja follower, tetapi saya sangat mencintai Negara ini. Ya seperti yang pernah saya tulis selumnya, bagaimanapun bentuk Negara saya ini, bagaimanapun kondisinya, apapun keaadaannya, sampai matipun saya tetap Indonesia. Karena Indonesia Tanah Air Beta. Ini adalah wajar. Tapi bagaimana dengan WNA yang ingin tinggal disini?? Banyak sekali WNA yang ingin tinggal disini dan menjadi WNI. Satu hal ya...


Being a teacher is something that I cant imagine before. My parents ask me to be a teacher since I was child. But I will not be a teacher. I don’t know why, I just feel that being a teacher is difficult. We have to inform right information, preparing before teaching, give the best for students, and also arrange all of  material that related to students (I hate this one so much). then luckily I accepted in pure math department . It means that I won’t be a teacher. Yey… I took computation, something that I love so much. But suddenly I learn Korean. It is ok to learn new language. Because I love to learn it. This time, I learn Korean from the native speakers. I really enjoy it that much. One day, a language institute ask me to teach Korean in this institution, Mayantara School. Of course I do. But wait, teach? In some kind of institute? Oh my God. I have no experiences teaching in institute. I only teach for private student before. Oh, ok. Maybe this one will make g...

Otak Matematika

Bicara soal pemanfaatan ilmu yg didapat setelah kuliah, hmmmm gimana ya? Jurusanku matematika murni, dan sekarang aku mengajar bahasa korea. *Fiuh... Jauh amat*. Oke bicara soal itu, dibilang percuma gak sih belajar matematika??? Mikirlah aku selama beberapa hari *kayak kayak serius banget gt*. Dan jawabannya adalah ndak percuma. Kok bisa? Emang sih, jujur aja ilmu semacem sejenis sebangsa kalkulus, aljabar, analisis, statistik itu emg 96% aku lupa. Trus apa yg diinget coba? Yaaa ilmu lainnya seperti komputasi. Kalo ini, lupa pun aku masih bisa buka buku dan baca bentar uda bisa aplikasi buat lain kasus. Beda ma ilmu matematika yg uda tersebut diatas tadi, ilmu itu emg aku udah lupa bahkan saat ganti semesterpun. Tapi satu yg jelas jelas udah terpatri dari dulu dan semakin dalam saat kuliah itu analisis. Secara ndak sadar emg sih, kalo ada kulia berjudul analisis blablabla gitu emg aku rada bodho. Tapi ndak sadar itu membuat dan melatih otakku menjadi lebih tertata dalam penyelesaian s...