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Showing posts from March, 2022

Pakai eSIM Untuk 30 Hari di Belanda

Amsterdam Ini pertama kalinya beli eSIM. eSIM ini nggak semua ponsel bisa, kebetulan aja gw beli karena ya ponsel gw bisa dipake eSIM. Sebelumnya sih gw jarang banget beli kuota internet kalau ke luar Indonesia. Kalau dibilang mahal buanget sih tergantung negaranya ya, cuma kadang males. Jadi kalau lagi di luar dan nggak ada internet gw bisa bilang "Wah lagi nggak ada internet gw di luar" 😅 Nah, gw pilih eSIM karena mikir kalau pake alat   macem mifi begitu pasti harus pick up alatnya, kalau beli SIMCARD ribet harus kasih paspor, harus ganti kartunya juga. Lalu terbesitlah eSIM. Gw cari beberapa eSIM yang banyak beredar buat di Eropa. Tadinya mau milih Simyo tapi harus abonemen bulanan. Ah nggak dulu deh. Kalau lamaan di sana aja baru okelah.  Tiap kali ke luar negeri, gw nggak pernah pakai roaming dari kartu gw sendiri karena menakutkan harganya. Tidak  worth it.  Akhirnya gw nemu eSIM dari  Maya . Menurut gw, kartu ini termasuk bersaing harganya. Gw beli yang 3GB dengan ha

Traveling During Pandemic

CGK to DPS I am one of the people who travel (relatively a lot) during a pandemic. Unfortunately, me being in a long-distance marriage, need mental and physical support once in a while.  In the beginning, we met after 8 months of the pandemic and then 3 or 4 months, then every 2 months. I went wild the first 8 months of the pandemic. Everything felt harder. I know many people feel the same, I am not the only one. We're just coping with the best we can do.  The island I call home 💙 It was so stressful the first time traveling during the pandemic. Like I said here , it's not really worth the effort if you're traveling "for fun". PCR price was crazy, every time we have to calculate the time, make it double as well as the price. Because we buy the time with money. I usually book a ticket at least 2-4 weeks before my travel, then went to the airport 2 hours before my flying time, everything felt so efficient but not during the pandemic. I booked my ticket a week befor

Let's Spend 50K Rupiah in Sanur!

Accidentally normal moment Let's imagine you're going to Sanur with me, and you have only 50K Rupiah to spend there. What would you do? Is 50K enough for that? 50K rupiah is about hmmm $3-$4 I guess. Well... let's find out!  Alright, since I drive my own scooter, so I need to spend 2K for parking fee at the beach. 2K is nothing. Then I'll leave my scooter and start to wander around the beach.  Low-profile Sanur is actually a lovely place to spend some time in. It may not be something fancy or hype like beach clubs in Canggu area, but... at least you'll spend way less here lol.  Alright, shall we start from the 5K lumpiyang for a simple breakfast? This is a real gem. It tastes better in the morning because it still piping hot! The sellers are everywhere. They usually start to sell around 7am. They come from many places, not only from Sanur. Some from Karangasem, some from Gianyar. Pretty far. Oh btw, there are also some sellers who come every afternoon so it's al