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Showing posts from May, 2014

Romanticizing My Cooking

Bakso I have to admit that my love for cooking is growing. It's growing and I can't believe it myself. This feeling has been like this since probably two years ago. Before, cooking felt like a hard work that I had to fulfill. It still is, but the difference is I enjoy it now. So it does not feel like I am forcing myself.  Back then whenever I cooked, it's either wrong recipe or incorrect measurement. It never tasted right. So I gave up cooking just because I never found the right one. And then I started to feel that I wanna eat better. I don't want to just eat whatever, I want to know what goes into my body. If I prepare it myself, then I know it's good one.  I don't eat too much sugar, sometimes it is hard to buy one thing outside and has a lot of sugar in it. So cooking it myself will allow me to control the amount of sugar. So I found recipes and I tried to make them. As to my surprise, they taste right! Exactly how they should have tasted. That made me happy

UN menentukan nasib pelajar Indonesia

Sekali lagi, tulisan ini hanya mengungkapkan apa yg ada dipikiran, benak, emosi, dan semuanya lah soal UAN. Mungkin ada juga orang yg berpikiran sama seperti saya. Ini saya hanya mengungkapkan apa yg ingin saya ungkapkan saja. Bukan maksud lain. Kalau toh dijadikan bahan renungan bagi pihak yg bersangkutan ya ndak apa-apa sih. Ok, here is what I think about UAN UAN, ato banyak juga yg bilang UN, kemarin saya melihat tayangan acara Sudut Pandang-nya mbak Fifi Aleyda Yahya di Metro TV, judulnya UN = Ujian Nasib. Bener ndak? Menurut saya iya. Saya sempat mengikuti beberapa segmen saja, namun yg sangat saya ingat adalah seorang anak juara kelas tidak lulus dan mengikuti UN sampai 3 kali hingga lulus. Hal ini dikarenakan dia ingin mendapatkan hasil UN yg jujur. Kasus pertama. Kasus kedua, ada seorang anak yang baru saja mengikuti UN, dan mengirim surat ke menteri pendidikan. Surat yg dia tulis dishare melalui semua media masa yang ada. Hingga akhirnya dia diundang di acara Hitam Putih-ny

Universitas Negeri Malang nama kampus gue, bukan yang lainnya

Kalo ditanya orang, “Kuliah dimana?”Jawab kita, “Kuliah di UM”,Trus mereka bilang, “Ohhhh Muhammadiyah Malang ya?”,Berjuta kali gue harus bilang, “BUKAN! Tapi IKIP Malang”dengan ekspresi datar, mereka mengatakan…..”Ohh… IKIP tho” Helloooo ekspresi macam apa itu yaa?? Bukan maksud menjelekkan kampus lain, hanya ingin sedikit membanggakan kampus gue yang negeri haahhaha… *buat yang baca, dan merasa kampusnya, jangan cemberut ya. That’s the fact, kalo kampus gue negeri dan kampus ente swasta. Masalah yang laen kagak ikut-ikut. Cuma statusnya aja, negeri ma swasta* Ada lagi nama kampus gue versi beda, “UNM”.nah looohh… apaan lagi nih. Orang nama  kampus gue UM bukan UNM. UNM mah punya Makasar. Lagi-lagi disamain ma nama kampus lain. Fiiiuuuhhh…. Nah, versi lain lagi, “UNEMA”.nahh… UNEMA, emntang-mentang Universitas Negeri Malang, disamaain kayak Universitas Negri Surabaya yang disingkat UNESA. Beeehhh…. Susah ya.. Ok, sekali lagi ya… ini penderitaan, bukan penderitaan sih. Cuma agak

Articles with most viewers

I don't think that people viewed my articles some hehehhe.. I think I just write and I don't care it's viewed by people or not. Just love to write, maybe good if people write some articles with good content hehe   Ok, Mayantara School.  viewed 40 times, and this is where I work now. Sejenis agak promosi juga hehehe World Bagus Family. 42 times viewed. remember when I was in college and first time knew all about Korea   너 밖에 없잖아, 40 times viewed. All about my feeling hehehe   Kembang mayang, 37 times viewed. I don't know why this article has been viewed many times hehe   Dewi Rahayu, Fachrul Ulum, Shoffi Royanni, I know who viewing this article the most hahaha and Indonesia Jiwa Tanah Airku, Korea tambatan hatiku, 91 times viewed. why why why so many viewers here?? I don't know why. Just... good. apa mungkin mereka kena tipu ya gara-gara judulnya??? heheh   Mimpi kan membawaku Ke Korea, 137 times viewed. I know why. this i

90's generations

I am 90’s generation. I was born in 1991, so I am 90’s generation. I still remember how was my childhood with friends. Was very happy at that time. Just play around, play and play. Not thinking about what happen tomorrow, not thinking about obligations to do, about jobs, about money, about everything, just play around with friends. Hmmm ....always happy. I still remember when I was child, I played something that always move our body, make us think strategies to play, always run, that always make us sweaty, means like we do some physical exercise every time we played. Then what we get? Health, fun, friends, happiness, unforgettable moments. We had lots of child’s songs. We have our own world that make us feel and just be a child at that time. With that kind of activities, it stimulate our growth when child. Child needs to move a lots, with that kind of play will make them grow up very well. Compare with kids now, what they play? They plays some video game, play station, online games,


What do you think when you see people with lots of tattoos?? Maybe some people will say "scary, bad, not good, rude" or whatever. I think most of people here will say like that. Some people still judge people by appearance. Do you want to know what I want to say?? I like tattoo. I like it. I like some tattoos in body. Even not lots, but just a little tattoo will look so cute hehe.. Maybe, if I can tattoo my body, I'll make it in hand, maybe Silver Estrella or what. Just little. But unfortunately I can't. This is only for me, my self. But if look at people with lots of tattoo, I always feel and wanna know "aren't you hurt tattoo your body like that?". Because I think that will be so hurt. *it just because I am afraid of that thing haha* Some people look scary with tattoo all body, yes. But not all. We just can't judge people by look at their appearance. Some people with lots tattoo in body are very nice, kind and lovable haha.. They do that because

Saat nyawa manusia seolah tak berharga

Pembunuhan. Pembunuhan manusia seolah menepuk nyamuk yang menggigit kita. Seolah nyawa manusia hanyalah sesuatu yang bisa dengan mudah dihilangkan. Motif pembunuhan biasanya bermula dari rasa sakit hati, atau kelainan jiwa yang menginginkan untuk membunuh manusia. Jika itu merupakan kelainan jiwa, mungkin masih bisa dinyatakan sebagai kondisi tak normal, namun jika motif sakit hati hmmmm akan sulit sekali. Sakit hati, bunuh. Hmmm... Setiap manusia memiliki hak hidup. Hak untuk hidup. Tapi jika orang lain menghilangkan hak tersebut, semudah itukah menghilangkan hak hidup? Tidakkah hidupnya akan tentram setelah menghilangkan nyawa tersebut? Hmmm semudah itu menghilangkan nyawa manusia, memutilasi manusia, apakah manusia yg melakukan hal tersebut masih bisa disebut manusia?? No, they aren't human. They just a killer. And should not be here. Yaah, memikirkan hal tersebut semakin membuat ngeri. Kejahatan makin menjadi akhir ini, dan kondisi kejiwaan manusia bisa saja mudah tak terken