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Showing posts from September, 2022

Romanticizing My Cooking

Bakso I have to admit that my love for cooking is growing. It's growing and I can't believe it myself. This feeling has been like this since probably two years ago. Before, cooking felt like a hard work that I had to fulfill. It still is, but the difference is I enjoy it now. So it does not feel like I am forcing myself.  Back then whenever I cooked, it's either wrong recipe or incorrect measurement. It never tasted right. So I gave up cooking just because I never found the right one. And then I started to feel that I wanna eat better. I don't want to just eat whatever, I want to know what goes into my body. If I prepare it myself, then I know it's good one.  I don't eat too much sugar, sometimes it is hard to buy one thing outside and has a lot of sugar in it. So cooking it myself will allow me to control the amount of sugar. So I found recipes and I tried to make them. As to my surprise, they taste right! Exactly how they should have tasted. That made me happy

I Thought I Hate People, but...

Sanur ... but I actually don't! That I realized when I had dinner with H and he asked me, "Do you think she's married? The seller, she looks young but not too young."  So I said, "Uhmm I don't know and I don't care."  He then said again, "Yea I know, but I am curious about people. I am curious about what they're doing in life." That's when it came to my mind, "Wait a minute! I am also curious about people, but not their personal life like marital status, how many kids they have, what religion they believe in. I am curious about what they think about things! Ah that's why I love talking to people, no matter how introvert I am but talking to people still excites me." Then we finished our big nasi goreng together.  Looking back at it, I never really like people randomly talking to me when I was in the zone... Like zoning in and out talking to myself. But actually no, maybe it was only that we didn't sync so I went &qu

Tips Membeli Buku

Ada duitnya wkwkw! Ya maksud gw, harga buku di Indonesia bisa dibilang nggak murah terutama buku yang berbahasa asli misalnya Bahasa Inggris. Buku cetakan versi asli biasanya harganya bisa 2 kali harga buku terjemahannya, atau dua-tiga kali harga e-book. Ini e-book yang original ya, bukan yang bajakan. Kayak semacem beli di kindle atau books-nya google itu.  Kadang emang sering pengen beli fisik bukunya tapi kok harganya sampe 300ribu banget, sedangkan hasrat ingin membaca ini tinggi sekali. Nah, kalau skenario yang begini yang terjadi (dan paling sering), gw biasanya cek toko buku bekas dulu. Di Bali ada beberapa toko buku bekas yang reliable , meskipun koleksinya kita nggak akan tau ya karena ya random juga. Satu di Sanur, satu di Ubud.  Ini karena kapan hari gw udah beli bukunya Madeline yang Song of Achilles di Periplus, 200ribuan. Lalu nemuin bekasnya dengan sampul yang gw mau, cuma 25ribu. Jadi gw udah beli yang baru, beberapa hari kemudian gw ke toko buku bekas dan nemu itu. Set

Bayar Pajak Motor Tahunan melalui Aplikasi Signal

ScoobyDoo yang setahun baru jalan 4800an KM, itupun setengahnya bukan gw yang pake 😆 Scooby umurnya udah setahun. Kalau kita pas ulang tahun kan kita seneng-seneng ya, makan-makan, kalau beruntung dapet kado. Kalo motor yang ulangtahun, ya tandanya harus bayar pajak tahunan 😐  Sebagai orang malas, gw akan selalu mencari cara untuk bisa melakukan apapun lewat jari dan layar gw tanpa harus berhadapan dg manusia lain atau antri datang ke lokasi. Nah yang gw tau, temen gw bayarnya lewat tokopedia. Tapi pas gw cek nggak ada samsat Bali. Udah liat sana sini katanya daftar pake Signal aja. Aplikasi samsat digital gitu. Seperti biasa, setelah diunduh kita tinggal daftar aja. Tapi gatau ya ini di hp gw atau emang aplikasinya, susah dikliknya. Tentu saja gw bersabar dan "memaklumi". Awalnya gw hampir nyerah, app-nya crash berkali-kali di hp gw. Tapi daripada gw dateng ke samsat lebih baik gw nyobain app-nya aja deh sampe bisa. Ternyata ya bisa akhirnya meskipun harus berkali-kali nyo

What My Grandma Always Told Me

Daisies in Diepenheim Now I understand why my grandma always told me to take shower, put on nice clothes, put on light make up even when I had no plan to go out.  I grew up like other kids who never wanted to be told to get shower in the afternoon, or early in the morning. I said, "Why do I need to take shower now? I have no plan to go anywhere." of course, because I thought back then you should look presentable when you need to go out, but not when you're home. My grandma would said, "Ihh you have to clean up yourself and be representable. You look like abandoned kid now! Go get shower." I hated it. I mean, I dont hate taking shower. I just dont like to be told to do something.  My grandma would always put on light make up, nice lipstick, after shower. She always kept her wudhu with her after afternoon shower so she doesn't need to wipe her make up when she needed to pray. She always smells good. And oh, she asked the ER nurse to bring her lipstick and powd