Amsterdam Ini pertama kalinya beli eSIM. eSIM ini nggak semua ponsel bisa, kebetulan aja gw beli karena ya ponsel gw bisa dipake eSIM. Sebelumnya sih gw jarang banget beli kuota internet kalau ke luar Indonesia. Kalau dibilang mahal buanget sih tergantung negaranya ya, cuma kadang males. Jadi kalau lagi di luar dan nggak ada internet gw bisa bilang "Wah lagi nggak ada internet gw di luar" 😅 Nah, gw pilih eSIM karena mikir kalau pake alat macem mifi begitu pasti harus pick up alatnya, kalau beli SIMCARD ribet harus kasih paspor, harus ganti kartunya juga. Lalu terbesitlah eSIM. Gw cari beberapa eSIM yang banyak beredar buat di Eropa. Tadinya mau milih Simyo tapi harus abonemen bulanan. Ah nggak dulu deh. Kalau lamaan di sana aja baru okelah. Tiap kali ke luar negeri, gw nggak pernah pakai roaming dari kartu gw sendiri karena menakutkan harganya. Tidak worth it. Akhirnya gw nemu eSIM dari Maya . Menurut gw, kartu ini termasuk bersaing harganya. Gw beli yang 3GB dengan ha
"A young boy said that he comes from 2035. He said he is an indigo boy. He comes from 2035 to warn Indonesian because there will be a big disaster happen in early 2015. Also he want to take an indigo children and bring him/her to 2035. He came here with time machine". That news become hot news since few days ago. So.. Indigo is a color that is traditionally regarded as a color on the visible spectrum , as well as one of the seven colors of the rainbow : the color between blue and violet. We know there are lots of indigo children. Indonesia have so much indigo children. They could see the color which normal people cant see that. Also they can absorb the negative and positive energy around them. It often flare up on their body, that negative and positive energy. It just like there are another person fight inside their body. The affect? Make them feel weak and down, need more time to recover their self. So indigo children are so special. They also can see future or past. How