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Pakai eSIM Untuk 30 Hari di Belanda

Amsterdam Ini pertama kalinya beli eSIM. eSIM ini nggak semua ponsel bisa, kebetulan aja gw beli karena ya ponsel gw bisa dipake eSIM. Sebelumnya sih gw jarang banget beli kuota internet kalau ke luar Indonesia. Kalau dibilang mahal buanget sih tergantung negaranya ya, cuma kadang males. Jadi kalau lagi di luar dan nggak ada internet gw bisa bilang "Wah lagi nggak ada internet gw di luar" 😅 Nah, gw pilih eSIM karena mikir kalau pake alat   macem mifi begitu pasti harus pick up alatnya, kalau beli SIMCARD ribet harus kasih paspor, harus ganti kartunya juga. Lalu terbesitlah eSIM. Gw cari beberapa eSIM yang banyak beredar buat di Eropa. Tadinya mau milih Simyo tapi harus abonemen bulanan. Ah nggak dulu deh. Kalau lamaan di sana aja baru okelah.  Tiap kali ke luar negeri, gw nggak pernah pakai roaming dari kartu gw sendiri karena menakutkan harganya. Tidak  worth it.  Akhirnya gw nemu eSIM dari  Maya . Menurut gw, kartu ini termasuk bersaing harganya. Gw beli yang 3GB dengan ha
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Romanticizing My Cooking

Bakso I have to admit that my love for cooking is growing. It's growing and I can't believe it myself. This feeling has been like this since probably two years ago. Before, cooking felt like a hard work that I had to fulfill. It still is, but the difference is I enjoy it now. So it does not feel like I am forcing myself.  Back then whenever I cooked, it's either wrong recipe or incorrect measurement. It never tasted right. So I gave up cooking just because I never found the right one. And then I started to feel that I wanna eat better. I don't want to just eat whatever, I want to know what goes into my body. If I prepare it myself, then I know it's good one.  I don't eat too much sugar, sometimes it is hard to buy one thing outside and has a lot of sugar in it. So cooking it myself will allow me to control the amount of sugar. So I found recipes and I tried to make them. As to my surprise, they taste right! Exactly how they should have tasted. That made me happy

If Money Wasn't The Problem, What Would You Do?

In this extraordinary life, I would be a teacher still.  Helping people to understand even some little things to make them feel worthy and understand themselves better. It seems that teaching has become a calling for me. Not about teaching such specific subject like mathematics or so, but more like... I like to give new perspectives for people, and having them saying "Oh.... I see..." is satisfying for me. Of course, by teaching I can learn so many new perspectives from different people too. It's like the more I teach the more I learn, and that is so true. Maybe more like a guide. I like giving guidance to people who needs it. No, I don't like giving unsolicited guiding. I like to guide people who wants to be guided. I'd teach them how to love, love themselves first. Yea sure when we are talking about things, they would say "do useful things like engineering, plumbing, this and that" but they tend to forget that we need some balance in life. Not saying t

Sustainable Way to "Dump" our Waste

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I Have Found the Joy of Cooking

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Coming and Going

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Setelah Schengen Visa Ditolak Jerman

Bentheim Gw tau Jerman tuh emang meticulous banget, tapi gw nggak sangka bakal se- meticulous itu. Kira-kira bulan Maret gw apply Schengen via Jerman. Kenapa via Jerman? Karena Belanda nggak ada slot heheheee. Rencana perginya bulan April kalau nggak salah waktu itu. Karena suami ada libur tapi cuma pendek banget, dan dia pengen banget pulang ke sana, yaudah lah coba aja. Dapet antrian, mana bayarnya 700ribu pula 😅 lalu pergilah gw submit semua dokumen gw.  Gw bukan yang pertama kali mengajukan Schengen, jadi gw udah "tau" harus submit apa aja. Karena sebagai orang yang menikah dengan warga EU, kami berhak untuk tidak menunjukkan buku tabungan (yg penting tabungan pasangan yang EU yg ditampilkan), dll. Dengan ina inu, eh ternyata diminta surat kerja lah, kalau freelancer harus kasih tau bukti kerjaan juga. Gw rasa ribet ya karena nggak formal kerjanya, jadi ya udah gw tulis ibu rumah tangga. Itu juga masih harus bikin surat pernyataan siapa yg membiayai biaya hidup gw kala

Girlfriend Collapsible Menstrual Cup

Gw kira gelas aja yang bisa collapsible , menstrual cup juga bisa ternyata.  Gw tertarik beli si menstrual cup ini karena kok unik ya bisa dilipet gitu. Meskipun pada dasarnya umur menstrual cup sendiri bisa di atas 5 tahun. Tapi sayangnya menstrual cup yang udah gw pake tiga tahun itu  gw simpan di kamar mandi, saat Bali berminggu-minggu hujan yang menyebabkan dia jadi berjamur. Ini murni keteledoran gw. Waktu gw liat tempatnya "eh kok jamuran ya" lalu kulihat menstrual cup nya yang juga jamuran. Yaudah nggak mau ambil resiko. Makanan berjamur dikit aja gw buang apalagi ini yang masuk ke tubuh lewat bagian yang juga bisa rawan terserang jamur.  Karena sudah wishlist  Filmore Girlfriend menstrual cup lama banget, akhirnya gw beli ya karena butuh juga. Punya menstrual cup satu aja cukup. Awalnya agak kagok ya karena kebiasaan pake mens cup yang bentuk bulet utuh gitu. Tapi yang ini mirip tangga berundak gitu. Apa sih, yang model lingkar paling kecil, lingkar tengah agak b

Diving in Nusa Penida

Apart from having a seasickness, diving in Nusa Penida was cool. We saw big big mantas, big turtles, some babies manta, the coral was pretty colorful too. Alive I'd say.  Our first dive was in Manta Point. As you can see from the name, we planned on seeing some manta which luckily we did. It was amazing to see big mantas. I saw, at least 5 big ones. Then babies were cuddling and having a nap in same spot. That was cute to see. We also see some turtles, the big one.  The thing is, it has almost-no current, but surge. The surge was pretty big for me as a beginner. Which was actually kinda cool. I swam a little then pushed back by the surge, then pushed forward flowing with the surge. Personally, I chose surge more than current hahaha! My experiences with current, was not cool. I dislike to fight it but at the same time I had to let go myself being dragged with the current until god knows where 😂 While with surge, I can also see the creatures down there flowing happily following the