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Showing posts from February, 2018

Romanticizing My Cooking

Bakso I have to admit that my love for cooking is growing. It's growing and I can't believe it myself. This feeling has been like this since probably two years ago. Before, cooking felt like a hard work that I had to fulfill. It still is, but the difference is I enjoy it now. So it does not feel like I am forcing myself.  Back then whenever I cooked, it's either wrong recipe or incorrect measurement. It never tasted right. So I gave up cooking just because I never found the right one. And then I started to feel that I wanna eat better. I don't want to just eat whatever, I want to know what goes into my body. If I prepare it myself, then I know it's good one.  I don't eat too much sugar, sometimes it is hard to buy one thing outside and has a lot of sugar in it. So cooking it myself will allow me to control the amount of sugar. So I found recipes and I tried to make them. As to my surprise, they taste right! Exactly how they should have tasted. That made me happy

Do You Celebrate Valentine?

    @HipDict - @9Gag So today is 16 February, and this is Chinese new year. Happy Chinese new year! Usually people celebrate valentine on 14 February. Not everyone, but most of people. I realize few things : some people really waiting for that day and seriously celebrate it, the other people use it for fun, and some people don't give a shit about it. It is not a serious day to be celebrated for me. Well, maybe, usually when I was still 'active' outside, most of friends gave me chocolate (not only me but they were so kind and buy so many choco to share with people). But other than that, no. I never have a special celebration for valentine. Not even cute romantic special dinner, not even a flower (lol gw minta nih sama suami, gatau doi peka apa nggak). So last year, I still remember, I was still working and spend my February 14th with my colleagues by eating chocolate that I had from everyone. You know it was like the only one who didn't share chocolate is me!