Balinese is a lot of thing, but one thing for sure that they work efficiently when it is related to the documents. Gw selalu kasih tepuk tangan meriah kalau urus-urus dokumen di Bali tuh serba cepet banget. Di Denpasar ya terutama karena gw tinggal di sini. Nggak tau lagi kalau di daerah lain. Ini testimoni gw yang tiap tahun harus urus dokumen visa suami, tiap tahun harus ke Dukcapil, Polres, wira-wiri di desa urus printilan. Akhirnya tahun ini gw putuskan untuk pindah domisili ke Bali. Yeay. Bukan tanpa alasan, tapi karena untuk menjamin KITAP, gw harus domisili Bali. Suami gw udah terdaftar di Imigrasi Bali. Jadi daripada gw harus pindahin dia ke domisili asal gw, yang mana gw udah nggak tinggal di sana hampir 20 tahun, ya lebih baik gw yang pindah. Ternyata, pindah KTP tuh gampang banget ya. Gw kira gw harus pulang dulu ke domisili untuk cabut berkas. Setelah tanya langsung ke domisili asal gw (Pake WA dan jawabnya nunggu lama banget), mereka bilang untuk ur...
Few times ago I've wrote about smartphone and our life. why? because I think people need a phone in life, also smartphone makes some parts of life become easier right?
But I have a student, he is older than me, and he don't have a phone. My reaction was, "WHAT?? you don't have a phone? even an old phone?? REALLY??". When I ask him why, he just said "I just dont like it". Just yeah you know, people start to use a smartphone these day, but he isn't. It's hard to contact him even just for give him information about study. Ahh... really
But yesterday, I found another one who doesn't have a phone too. He said "There are a lot of disadvantages rather than advantages for having a phone. You have no privacy, intimacy. You are available 24/7 for everyone, and that thing can exploid (not literally) at any moment so you have the stress of knowing that any moment someone can contact you. It also is a surveillance tool that telecommunications companies and governments use to spy on people, and not only on terrorist....but just average people. You also lose the focus on your surroundings when you have that thing with you all the time". *he also told me about the advantages*
I realize really, sometimes smartphone make me stress. It is right about the disadvantages that he told me. But I need a phone to work. I have all my materials of teaching on phone. The disadvantages is just the affect side of having phone (or smartphone).
They give me another ways of thinking. one of the reasons that lots people do is "Lose the focus on surroundings when you have that thing with you all the time".
But I have a student, he is older than me, and he don't have a phone. My reaction was, "WHAT?? you don't have a phone? even an old phone?? REALLY??". When I ask him why, he just said "I just dont like it". Just yeah you know, people start to use a smartphone these day, but he isn't. It's hard to contact him even just for give him information about study. Ahh... really
But yesterday, I found another one who doesn't have a phone too. He said "There are a lot of disadvantages rather than advantages for having a phone. You have no privacy, intimacy. You are available 24/7 for everyone, and that thing can exploid (not literally) at any moment so you have the stress of knowing that any moment someone can contact you. It also is a surveillance tool that telecommunications companies and governments use to spy on people, and not only on terrorist....but just average people. You also lose the focus on your surroundings when you have that thing with you all the time". *he also told me about the advantages*
I realize really, sometimes smartphone make me stress. It is right about the disadvantages that he told me. But I need a phone to work. I have all my materials of teaching on phone. The disadvantages is just the affect side of having phone (or smartphone).
They give me another ways of thinking. one of the reasons that lots people do is "Lose the focus on surroundings when you have that thing with you all the time".
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