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Showing posts from 2012

Romanticizing My Cooking

Bakso I have to admit that my love for cooking is growing. It's growing and I can't believe it myself. This feeling has been like this since probably two years ago. Before, cooking felt like a hard work that I had to fulfill. It still is, but the difference is I enjoy it now. So it does not feel like I am forcing myself.  Back then whenever I cooked, it's either wrong recipe or incorrect measurement. It never tasted right. So I gave up cooking just because I never found the right one. And then I started to feel that I wanna eat better. I don't want to just eat whatever, I want to know what goes into my body. If I prepare it myself, then I know it's good one.  I don't eat too much sugar, sometimes it is hard to buy one thing outside and has a lot of sugar in it. So cooking it myself will allow me to control the amount of sugar. So I found recipes and I tried to make them. As to my surprise, they taste right! Exactly how they should have tasted. That made me happy

16 years ago

Just remember when we were young and playing arround together. What are you doin' guys now? Married? Working? Still in college? Or doin something i dont know? It doesnt matter what you are doin'. It just i hope you all doin something good for your life. Make your life and your future as you wish. I just hope that all of us will be a good mom and dad later^^ And remember that we have a GREAT GREAT time when we were young. I think kids now doesnt like us when we were young

SCAL-Q dari yang paling muda..

Novia Ulfa, calon bidan nomer....(nomer berapa yaaaaaa??????? nomer satu deh buat kita. tapi bukan bidan yang menangani proses kelahiran anakku heheheeh). Member yang paling sehat dan subur diantara kita (yaiyalahhhh........ semakin hari semakin berkembang dengan sehat seiring dengan perkembangan bayi yang dia bantu melahirkan) Prisca Aditya Putri, nah yang ini tuh calon istrinya 이혁재 슈주. calon istri yang baik, bunda yang baik. Pokoknya istri yang bisa dibanggakan suaminya dan juga bunda yang dibanggakan anaknya. Insyaallah, beserta member SCAL-Q yang paling tua nanti akan ke korea untuk mengejar mimpi cita-cita dan cinta kami.. Member yang paling tinggi dan kurus (yahh aku bangga akan hal itu...) Radin Zakiyah Musbich, calon guru bahasa inggris yang berkompeten dibidangnya. sebenernya gak tau juga sih, abisnya cintaku yang satu ini lebih cocok jadi guru yang maen ma anak kecil (tapi ntar malah bingung, mana gurunya mana muridnya heheheheh) Member yang paling takut akan ses


Aku adalah Prisca Aditya Putri yang sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 Matematika di Universitas Negeri Malang. seorang pemimpi yang berkekuatan besar atas dorongan mimpi untuk mewujudkan mimpi menjadi kenyataan. Bermimpi memberikanku kekuatan dan kepercayaan bahwa "AKU BISA!"