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Showing posts from October, 2020

Romanticizing My Cooking

Bakso I have to admit that my love for cooking is growing. It's growing and I can't believe it myself. This feeling has been like this since probably two years ago. Before, cooking felt like a hard work that I had to fulfill. It still is, but the difference is I enjoy it now. So it does not feel like I am forcing myself.  Back then whenever I cooked, it's either wrong recipe or incorrect measurement. It never tasted right. So I gave up cooking just because I never found the right one. And then I started to feel that I wanna eat better. I don't want to just eat whatever, I want to know what goes into my body. If I prepare it myself, then I know it's good one.  I don't eat too much sugar, sometimes it is hard to buy one thing outside and has a lot of sugar in it. So cooking it myself will allow me to control the amount of sugar. So I found recipes and I tried to make them. As to my surprise, they taste right! Exactly how they should have tasted. That made me happy

Korean Barbeque

Ssam (쌈) also meaning wrapped. Typically Korean wrapped stuff to eat. I remember I post about my experience of eating kimchi for the first time got the highest view of all time here. It's kind of weird but it is. H never wanted to eat K-foods. He said that it doesn't look so appealing (how can he said that? 😣). I kept trying to lure him to try out K-foods. That when he wanted to eat some meat and then we chose a Korean bbq restaurant. He surprised that it came with so many side dishes and more importantly is the way they eat the meat with green leaf, mixed with kimchi and ssamjang.  Boy, look at the odeng and other side dishes! Ssamjang is the one next to the garlic. It's kind of similar to sambal but different. Japchae is the one that looks like bihun goreng. The first day we ordered galbi and japchae. I really like japchae but it was very big for one person. We thought that the barbeque set will be less big for two, but it didn't. It was just enough for both of us. S

Empat Kali Tes PCR dalam Sebulan

Rove Dubai Thank god bukan karena sakit covid. Tes ini dilakukan sebelum gw melakukan perjalanan ke luar Indonesia untuk bertemu suami gw. Satu dan lain hal akhirnya diputuskan untuk bertemu di Dubai. Karena perlu PCR, bulan September awal kemarin menuju ke RS UNUD (Universitas Udayana) di Bali karena waktu itu dia jadi satu-satunya RS untuk PCR mandiri. Yang lain untuk rujukan aja. Nggak tau kalau sekarang, mungkin udah ada swasta yang melayani perjalanan mandiri.  Harga tes 900 ribu dengan hasil akan didapatkan maksimal 3 hari (dulu). Waktu gw test ternyata hasil minimal keluar 3 hari karena RS Unud jadi lab utama untuk sample se-Bali (katanya) 😓 Dengan jadwal mepet waktu terbang (Dubai hanya menerima hasil tes yang maks diambil 96 jam sebelum perjalanan), akhirnya nekat ke Jakarta sehari sebelum jadwal penerbangan ke Dubai (yang akhirnya dimundurkan sehari lagi karena jadwal tes ulang). Terbang dari DPS ke CGK pakai rapid test, yang menurut gw nggak efektif.  Setibanya di CGK, bes

Mengurus Visa C317 di KJRI Dubai

Disclaimer: tulisan ini tentang pengalaman mengurus visa C317 di luar negeri (konsuler/kedubes Indonesia), tulisan agak panjang dan tentang birokrasi, pun keadaan di lapangan bisa berubah setiap saat. Setelah berbulan-bulan bergelut dengan imigrasi via DM di segala platform, akhirnya bulan September sekitar minggu kedua WNA yang memiliki keluarga di Indonesia boleh masuk Indonesia menggunakan visa index C317. Bukan hanya yang punya keluarga di sini tapi juga yang akan bekerja dll. Langkah awal mendapatkan KITAS dari sini.  Sebenernya ini dari dulu jadi hal yang kurang mengasyikkan bagi keluarga campur. Bukan karena sulitnya tapi karena ketidakjelasan informasi tentang dokumen apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan serta timeline yang bisa direncanakan. Nggak ada informasi di satu tempat yang terintegrasi antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Pengambilan vitas yang ada di konsuler maupun kedutaan besar Indonesia pun memiliki syarat yang berbeda. Why tho? Selalu ingat untuk menanyakan syarat &