Terasa seperti ini, Gunung Baturnya ada tapi nggak keliatan. Sistemnya ada, tapi masih berkabut. Katanya sih berlaku sejak tanggal 17 Desember 2024, bersamaan dengan semua perubahan seperti paspor dan biayanya. Karena harus perpanjang ITAS di akhir tahun, gw sudah kontak mereka dan bilang "Oh bisa extend via website." Di websitenya agak membingungkan buat pemula karena ada beberapa bagian. Bagian yang paling mentereng adalah bagian APPLY , yang mana ini harus digunakan untuk orang yang belum pernah apply ITAS . Sejenis untuk mendapatkan TELEX visa dulu yang nantinya dikonversi ke ITAS. Perlu dicatat ini adalah ITAS dengan pasangan Indonesia sebagai sponsor ya. Tentunya perlu penjamin yang apply VITAS dll sebelum ke ITAS. Apply sebagai penjamin bisa di website yang sama. Tapi kalau apply sendiri bisa dengan menggunakan "Personal". Setelah masuk ke website imigrasi dengan menggunakan ID Penjamin, bagian HOME akan tampil beberapa hal. Nah, bagian Extend ITAS tuh a...
Accidentally normal moment
Well... let's find out!
Alright, since I drive my own scooter, so I need to spend 2K for parking fee at the beach. 2K is nothing. Then I'll leave my scooter and start to wander around the beach.
Low-profile Sanur is actually a lovely place to spend some time in. It may not be something fancy or hype like beach clubs in Canggu area, but... at least you'll spend way less here lol.
Alright, shall we start from the 5K lumpiyang for a simple breakfast? This is a real gem. It tastes better in the morning because it still piping hot! The sellers are everywhere. They usually start to sell around 7am. They come from many places, not only from Sanur. Some from Karangasem, some from Gianyar. Pretty far. Oh btw, there are also some sellers who come every afternoon so it's also still good in the afternoon. You just need to know which one is which.
The product and the seller
If you're still hungry with that small portion of morning snack, then let's get nasi jinggo for 5K! This one is rice with a mix of chicken shred (or squid or beef or pork, your choice), noodles, tempe tahu, egg, serundeng, sambal. It's actually anything they want to include in that small pack of rice. Don't imagine this as a very big portion of rice. No no, it will be very small but enough to help you survive the morning. How to eat this? Mix them all!
Oh btw, they usually sell something small like snack-one-bite I'd say. Price? Only 1K. Of course, you won't be completely full, but it's enough to keep you away from getting hangry. [Important].
The mini sandwich is 5K with a real piece of chicken. Not a nugget or fake chicken.
Are you thirsty yet? Let's get some hot tea or coffee for 5K, or if you want a bottle of water then it will be the same price.
Alright... what do you want to do next? You're probably not feeling grumpy anymore since you have eaten. So what about... strolling the Sanur area by renting a bicycle for 15K? This is the price per hour. Well actually, you still can ask for a cheaper price if you rent for two or three hours. Usually 25K/two hours. Well... your call.
Do we still have some money left?
My possible stuff to do in the morning there would be buying lumpiyang, nasi jinggo, a cup of tea, renting a bike then relaxing, sitting by the beach. In that case, I would spend only 30K. Yea I am a lazy person who loves to enjoy her day sitting for hours by the beach and just... relaxing. Grounding.
What would be your choice?
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