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Tidak Terima Tunai. Kenapa?

kotak sumbangan Beberapa hari lalu ada twit yang menyebutkan kalau semuanya sudah serba cashless dan banyak tempat yang nggak menerima uang tunai sebagai pembayaran. Twitnya rame.  Hal ini sudah beberapa kali gw amati, pernah waktu makan di kafe dekat rumah niat hati pengen bayar pakai tunai eh harus pakai QRIS atau cashless. Bikin gw agak heran karena kok gw pengen bayar tunai tapi malah gak bisa.   Iya memang gw sering banget cashless untuk sehari-hari. Tapi bukan berarti kita nggak boleh atau nggak bisa bayar pakai tunai juga kan? Kenapa ya kesannya sekarang kita udah perlahan menghilangkan uang tunai untuk pembayaran? Bukannya uang tunai adalah alat pembayaran yang sah juga ya? Iya tau, praktis banget kalau cashless tuh, terutama untuk pembayaran yang berjuta-juta. Tapi di sisi lain, uang tunai tuh masih sama berharganya. Gw nggak tahu dari sisi pebisnis yang hanya mau terima cashless aja. Coba bayangin, orang-orang tua yang nggak paham gimana cara bayar cashless, atau ada turis

Sustainable Way to "Dump" our Waste

Sticker from eco-bali recycling

October is funny month. We have this crisis of burning landfield in Bali, and they haven't pick up my trash for 2 months. Probably over two months now. We're like "Okay it's time to swap to the sustainable options"

Yea we've been thinking about composting, but I do not know where to start. Because, you know, when you did it wrong it can be stinky and worm-y and not working out well. Turns out, they have composting company that provide the bin, the pickup, and even got the compost back monthly or per 6 months. I did not know that but of course my husband found it and planned to sign up for it. 

The week where we had that plan on mind, suddenly in the morning there was a guy from this company came to our house delivering the composting bin. "No we did not order this, yet" Apparently the neighbor ordered their service but they got the address wrong. The next day, the same guy came again, brought his empty composting bin for the same address and same name as yesterday. I was like, "Seriously, we have a plan to sign up but not yet."

Later that night we signed up for the service and the next morning, the same guy came and laughed with my sister (she was the one who opened the house for 2 times for 2 days in a row) and I said "Now this is the correct one!"

It is Urban Compost by Urban Biologist in Bali. They do the pick up weekly. The minimum service we can sign up is for 6 months (or 3 months? I dont remember but please check their website). The price? only 100K/month. You get different discount for the months you're signing in up. 

8 Liter bin for composting

After a week of having their service, they picked up the composting bin in the morning and just swapped it with the empty cleaned one. How easy. Yes, super easy peasy. I thought composting would be hard as hell but apparently not. 

So what do we do about the plastic and other waste? We sign up for eco bali recycling. Their price is around 130K/month and we must sign up for 6 months at least. They gave us two different bin for papers and plastic separately. Of course they also give us recycling 101, the guide what to do and what not.

Bins from eco-bali

At first I thought that I still need to pay for the rest of the waste that is not included on these two/three categories like the pads/diapers waste, the waste of broken glasses or so. But, apparently Eco Bali are picking it up too. We just need to put it on separated bag and they will pick it up, separate them again if needed and they will process the trash. So much convenient. 

I am paying 100K a month for the trash service that is not picked up, or picked up but they won't do the recycling. They just pick it up and dump it in the government landfield. So I think, I will have to stop this service and just focus to the other two. 

Yeah, unfortunately the waste management in Bali is still unreliable. We shouldn't have to worry about it or looking for the private sectors to manage our waste but damn no we still do. All we can do is indeed relying on our shelves. We start it from home, hopefully the rest will follow. To be better, to do better. 

I am so happy doing this.

So... have you managed your waste sustainably? 


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